
VYBOR is in the top 100 enterprises in Russia!

Based on the results of a comprehensive assessment conducted by the Research Institute for the Social Development of Entrepreneurship, it was found that the activities of the VYBOR construction company meet the requirements of international standards and Russian legislation on the quality and reliability of goods (services), including GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015), has a high efficiency in the production of products (services), has significant economic achievements, and, according to official data from the Federal State Statistics Service, is in the TOP-100 Russian enterprises according to certain OKVED codes (OK 029-2014).
The received award once again proves that the VYBOR company has a high level of competence, confirmed by many years of professional practice, a good business reputation, as well as highly qualified management and personnel.
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The best projects of the competition for the renovation of the territory of the bakery have been selected!